Disco Lights Vector Wallpaper
Time for retro designs and what better way to start with a colorful disco wallpaper. This colorful vector background can be used to incorporate some colorful disco-ball patterns into any composition. This vector graphic can be used for any sort of modern and retro designs including disco party invitations, retro wallpapers, modern furniture postcards, 70’s […]

Molecular vector wallpaper
Trip your friends out with this creative molecular vector wallpaper set. This amazing wallpaper can either be a soothing snow background or a biological experiment. You can accomplish your own unique wallpaper simply by adjusting the colors: use the Illustrator color tool (Edit-> Edit Colors -> Recolor Artwork). This vector wallpaper can be easily scaled, […]

Seals and Badges
Download this free set of creative seals and badges. Use these on your next project to add an extra level of authority and honor. Badges and seal ornaments can be used to signify success and customer satisfaction. These badges, combined with some text and work as great incentives and reassurance graphics. Easily change the color […]

Free Vector Logos
Download this set of vector logos and create your own variations. With this start-up logos set you can see how logos can be created using line art. This set of graphics includes variations of flowers, round pattern objects, diamonds and triangles. These logos include a mirror reflections and variations of colors. This vector set contains […]

Free Vector Illustration Butterfly
Download and study this free vector illustration which includes a butterfly and some cool circle design elements. With vector files you can easily scale and rotate elements without loosing quality. You can change colors and rearrange the elements to create your own vector composition. This vector illustration will work perfectly as a background or wallpaper. […]